WordPress.com #Posts: Create Draft

Wordpress.com: Posts, Create Draft
Wordpress.com: Posts, Create Draft
Creates a draft of articles on WordPress.com. It can generate not only post type articles, but also page type articles. It automates WordPress and saves time on post publication tasks.
  • U: Select HTTP_Authz Setting *
  • A1: Set WordPress.Com Domain (e.g. “example.com” or ID) *#{EL}
  • A2: Set Post Type (eg “post” “page” )#{EL}
  • A3: Set Parent ID in case of “page” type#{EL}
  • B1: Set Post’s Creation Time (eg “2021-12-31 09:00”)#{EL}
  • B2: Set Post Title#{EL}
  • B3: Set Name (Slug) for Post#{EL}
  • B4: Set Post Excerpt#{EL}
  • B5: Set Category ( “category a,category b”)#{EL}
  • B6: Set Tag ( “tag a,tag b”)#{EL}
  • C: Set Post Content *#{EL}
  • D1: Select STRING/NUMERIC that stores ID (update)
  • D2: Select STRING that stores URL (update)
Script (click to open)
// GraalJS Script (engine type: 2)

//////// START "main()" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function main(){ 

//// == Config Retrieving / 工程コンフィグの参照 ==
const strAuthzSetting     = configs.get      ( "AuthzConfU" );    /// REQUIRED
  engine.log( " AutomatedTask Config: Authz Setting: " + strAuthzSetting );
const strWpcomDomain      = configs.get      ( "StrConfA1" );     /// REQUIRED
  if( strWpcomDomain    === "" ){
    throw new Error( "\n AutomatedTask ConfigError:" +
                     " Config {A1: WordPress.com domain} is empty \n" );
let   strPostType         = configs.get      ( "StrConfA2" );     // NotRequired
  if( strPostType       === "" ){
    engine.log( " AutomatedTask ConfigWarning: " +
                " {A2: PostType} is empty (default 'post' applied)" );
      strPostType         = "post";
  } // Post types besides post and page need to be whitelisted using rest_api_allowed_post_types
const strPostParentId     = configs.get      ( "StrConfA3" );    // NotRequired
const strPostTime         = configs.get      ( "StrConfB1" );    // NotRequired
const strPostTitle        = configs.get      ( "StrConfB2" );    // NotRequired
const strPostSlug         = configs.get      ( "StrConfB3" );    // NotRequired
const strPostExcerpt      = configs.get      ( "StrConfB4" );    // NotRequired
const strPostCategories   = configs.get      ( "StrConfB5" );    // NotRequired
const strPostTags         = configs.get      ( "StrConfB6" );    // NotRequired
const strPostContent      = configs.get      ( "StrConfC" );     /// REQUIRED
const strPocketPostedId   = configs.getObject( "SelectConfD1" ); // NotRequired
const strPocketPostedUrl  = configs.getObject( "SelectConfD2" ); // NotRequired

//// == Data Retrieving / ワークフローデータの参照 ==
// (Nothing. Some workflow data is referenced via Expression Language in Config.)

//// == Calculating / 演算 ==
/// Create a post
/// WordPress.com REST API
/// https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/1.2/post/sites/%24site/posts/new/
// request1, prepare
let request1Uri = "https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.2/sites/" +
                   strWpcomDomain + "/posts/new";
let request1    = httpClient.begin(); // HttpRequestWrapper
    request1    = request1.authSetting( strAuthzSetting ); // with "Authorization: Bearer XX"
    // https://questetra.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024574471-R2300#HttpRequestWrapper
    request1    = request1.formParam( "status", "draft" );
    request1    = request1.formParam( "type"  , strPostType );
    if( strPostParentId !== "" ){
      request1  = request1.formParam( "parent", strPostParentId );
    if( strPostTime  !== "" ){
      let datePostTime = toJsDate( strPostTime );
      request1  = request1.formParam( "date"  , datePostTime.toISOString() );
      engine.log( " AutomatedTask RuntimeLog: date: " + datePostTime.toISOString() );
    if( strPostTitle !== "" ){
      request1  = request1.formParam( "title" , strPostTitle );
    if( strPostSlug  !== "" ){
      request1  = request1.formParam( "slug"  , strPostSlug );
    if( strPostExcerpt !== "" ){
      request1  = request1.formParam( "excerpt", strPostExcerpt );
    if( strPostCategories !== "" ){
      request1  = request1.formParam( "categories", strPostCategories );
    if( strPostTags !== "" ){
      request1  = request1.formParam( "tags"   , strPostTags );
    request1    = request1.formParam( "content", strPostContent );
// request1, try
const response1     = request1.post( request1Uri ); // HttpResponseWrapper
engine.log( " AutomatedTask ApiRequest1 Start: " + request1Uri );
const response1Code = response1.getStatusCode() + "";
const response1Body = response1.getResponseAsString() + "";
engine.log( " AutomatedTask ApiResponse Status: " + response1Code );
if( response1Code !== "200"){
  throw new Error( "\n AutomatedTask UnexpectedResponseError: " +
                    response1Code + "\n" + response1Body + "\n" );
// response1, parse
engine.log( response1Body ); // debug
    # # #
  "title":"Soseki NATSUME",
  "content":"\n<h3>I am a cat.<\/h3>\n\n\n\n<p>As yet # # #",
  "excerpt":"<p>This must have been the very first time that ever I set eyes on a human being.<\/p>\n",
      "Staff Blog":{"ID":2, # # # }
      "Remote Work":{"ID":139, # # # },
      "Wordpress":{"ID":134, # # # }
    "Remote Work":{"ID":139, # # #},
    "Wordpress":{"ID":134, # # # }
    "Staff Blog":{"ID":2, # # # }
  "meta":{"links": # # # },
const response1Obj = JSON.parse( response1Body );

//// == Data Updating / ワークフローデータへの代入 ==
if( strPocketPostedId    !== null ){
  if( strPocketPostedId.matchDataType( "STRING" ) ){
    engine.setData( strPocketPostedId, ( response1Obj.ID + "" ) );
    engine.setData( strPocketPostedId, new java.math.BigDecimal( response1Obj.ID - 0 ) );
if( strPocketPostedUrl   !== null ){
  engine.setData( strPocketPostedUrl, response1Obj.URL );

} //////// END "main()" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function toJsDate( bpmsDateOrDatetimeStr ){
  // BPMS Date:     "2020-04-01"  (subtype "Y/M" "M/D" "Y", not supported)
  // BPMS Datetime: "2020-04-01 23:59"
  let year       = 0;
  let monthIndex = 0;
  let day        = 0;
  let hours      = 0;
  let minutes    = 0;

  //  The ECMA/JavaScript Date object has a large number of methods.
  // "Date.parse" is danger (strongly discouraged)
  // - new Date("2014-11-10") // Mon Nov 10 2014 09:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
  // - new Date(2014, 10, 10) // Mon Nov 10 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
  let arrDatetime = bpmsDateOrDatetimeStr.split(" ");
  if( arrDatetime.length === 1 ){
    let arrDateParts = arrDatetime[0].split("-");
    year       = parseInt(arrDateParts[0], 10);
    monthIndex = parseInt(arrDateParts[1], 10) - 1;
    day        = parseInt(arrDateParts[2], 10);
  if( arrDatetime.length === 2 ){
    let arrDateParts = arrDatetime[0].split("-");
    let arrTimeParts = arrDatetime[1].split(":");
    year       = parseInt(arrDateParts[0], 10);
    monthIndex = parseInt(arrDateParts[1], 10) - 1;
    day        = parseInt(arrDateParts[2], 10);
    hours      = parseInt(arrTimeParts[0], 10);
    minutes    = parseInt(arrTimeParts[1], 10);
  return new Date( year, monthIndex, day, hours, minutes );

- Adds a new article for your WordPress.com account. (Unpublished state)
    - WordPress.com is a service that hosts WordPress sites. It is provided by Automattic itself.
- If in HTML code, it will be generated in "Block editor" mode.
    - If in plain text, it will be generated in "Classic editor" mode.
- If the datetime are set in date format, considered as "00:00".
    - eg: "2021-12-31" to "2021-12-31 00:00"
    - If publish for a future date, it will be posted as a schedule.
- "URL" is not always a published URL.
    - Anyone who can log in to the WordPress.com site can access it even before it is published.
    - `permalink_URL` will be confirmed when it is published.

- Line breaks in Title and Excerpt are not available. (Template compatibility)
    - If necessary, manually start a new line when posting.
    - To enable line breaks, set TEXTAREA and modify the BR conversion code
- For the ID of the existing article, refer to the URL of the edit screen.
    - Number following `post =`
- Will be added as an article of "default language" in the case of WPML plugin (multilingual site).
    - There is no way to add it as an article in a translation language.
- You can also refer to it by "Site ID" (blogid) instead of the WordPress.Com domain.
    - Site ID (blogid) is obtained from `GET v1.1/sites/example.blog/` and the "View page source".
- Request is made to the "WordPress.com REST API" (WP.COM API).
    - https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/
    - Note: Not the "WP.REST API" for WordPress.Org.
- Setting example of "HTTP Authentication" (OAuth2)
    - Authorization Endpoint URL:
        - https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/authorize
    - Token Endpoint URL:
        - https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/token
    - Scope:
        - "global", "", "auth" or "media"
        - (document) https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/
        - By default, the token will grant the application full access to a single blog.
        - Needs a "global" scope, if to access to all the blogs that users have on WordPress.com.
    - Client ID, Consumer Secret:
        - ( from https://developer.wordpress.com/apps/ )
        - Redirect URLs: https://s.questetra.net/oauth2callback

- WordPress.com アカウントの記事を新規追加します。(未公開状態)
    - WordPress.com は WordPress sites をホストするサービスです。Automattic 社自身が提供しています。
- 原稿が HTML で書かれている場合、"Block editor" モードで生成されます。
    - 原稿が Plain テキストで書かれている場合、"Classic editor" モードで生成されます。
- 日時が日付フォーマットで設定された場合、"00:00" とみなされます。
    - 例: "2021-12-31" → "2021-12-31 00:00"
    - 未来日付がセットされている場合に公開操作を行うと "スケジュール投稿" になります。
- "記事URL" は公開URLとは限りません。
    - WordPress.com サイトにログインできるユーザであれば公開前でもアクセス可能です。
    - `permalink_URL` は公開された時点で確定します。

- TitleとExcerptの改行は不可の仕様となっています。(テンプレート互換性等に配慮)
    - 必要あれば、公開作業の際に手動で改行してください。
    - 仕様として改行可としたい場合は TEXTAREA 設定とBR変換のコード改変が必要です。
- 既存記事のIDは、編集画面のURL等を参照してください。
    - `post=` に続く数字
- WPMLプラグイン環境(多言語サイト)の場合、"デフォルト言語" の記事として追加されます。
    - 翻訳言語の記事として追加する方法はありません。
- WordPress.Com ドメインの代わりに「サイトID」(blogid)で参照することも可能です。
    - サイトID(blogid)は、"`GET v1.1/sites/example.blog/`" や "ページのソース" 等から取得します。
- "WordPress.com REST API" (WP.COM API) に対してリクエストが投げられます。
    - https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/
    - 注: WordPress.Org 用の "WP.REST API" ではありません。
- "HTTP認証設定" の例 (OAuth2)
    - 認可エンドポイント URL:
        - https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/authorize
    - トークンエンドポイント URL:
        - https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/token
    - スコープ:
        - "global", "", "auth" or "media"
        - (document) https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/
        - デフォルトでは、1つの blog に対するアクセスが認可されます。
        - 全保有 blogs へアクセスできるようにするには "global" をセットします。
    - クライアントID, クライアントシークレット:
        - ( 開発者ページから取得してください⇒ https://developer.wordpress.com/apps/ )
        - Redirect URLs: https://s.questetra.net/oauth2callback


2021-06-28 (C) Questetra, Inc. (MIT License)
The Add-on import feature is available with Professional edition.


  • Adds a new article for your WordPress.com account. (Unpublished.)
    • WordPress.com is a service that hosts WordPress sites. It is provided by Automattic itself.
  • If in HTML code, it will be generated in Block editor mode.
    • If in plain text, it will be generated in Classic editor mode.
  • If the date and time are set in date format, the time will be set as “00:00”.
    • eg: “2021-12-31” to “2021-12-31 00:00”
    • If the publish date is set in the future, it will be a scheduled posted.
  • The Post URL is not always necessarily the published URL.
    • Anyone who can log in to the WordPress.com site can access it even before it is published.
    • The permalink_URL will be confirmed when it is published.


Creates a draft of the article on WordPress.com. Not only post type articles but also page type articles can be generated. It automates WordPress and saves time on post-publication tasks.
Creates a draft of the article on WordPress.com. Not only post type articles but also page type articles can be generated. It automates WordPress and saves time on post-publication tasks.


  • Line breaks in Title and Excerpt are not available (for template compatibility, etc.).
    • If necessary, please change the line breaks manually during the publishing process.
    • To enable line breaks, set TEXTAREA and modify the BR conversion code
  • For the ID of the existing article, refer to the URL of the edit screen.
    • Number following post =
  • In the WPML plugin environment (multi-language site), the article will be added in the default language.
    • There is no way to add articles in a translated language.
  • You can also refer to it by Site ID (blogid) instead of the WordPress.Com domain.
    • Site ID (blogid) is obtained from GET v1.1/sites/example.blog/ and the “View page source”.
  • Request is made to the “WordPress.com REST API” (WP.COM API).
  • Setting example of “HTTP Authentication” (OAuth2)

See also

WordPress.com: Media, Upload

2 thoughts on “WordPress.com #Posts: Create Draft”

  1. Pingback: WordPress.Com: Posts New – Questetra Support

  2. Pingback: Wordpress.com: Stats, Get Views – Questetra Support

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