Google Sheets: Append New Row

Google Sheets: Append New Row

Google スプレッドシート: 行追加

This item adds a row at the last of the sheet, and fills each cell of that row with data.

Auto Step icon
Basic Configs
Step Name
Configs for this Auto Step
C1: OAuth2 Setting *
C2: Target Spreadsheet ID *
C3: Target Sheet Title *
C4: Data item to save the appended row number
C-A: Column-A Value of New Row#{EL}
C-B: Column-B Value of New Row#{EL}
C-C: Column-C Value of New Row#{EL}
C-D: Column-D Value of New Row#{EL}
C-E: Column-E Value of New Row#{EL}
C-F: Column-F Value of New Row#{EL}
C-G: Column-G Value of New Row#{EL}
C-H: Column-H Value of New Row#{EL}
C-I: Column-I Value of New Row#{EL}
C-J: Column-J Value of New Row#{EL}


  • Spreadsheet ID is contained in the URL.
  • If you want to add after the 11th column (K column)


See also

Script (click to open)
  • An XML file that contains the code below is available to download
    • google-sheets-row-append.xml (C) Questetra, Inc. (MIT License)
    • If you are using Professional, you can modify the contents of this file and use it as your own add-on auto step

// OAuth2 config sample at [OAuth 2.0 Setting]
// - Authorization Endpoint URL:
// - Token Endpoint URL:
// - Scope:
// - Consumer Key: (Get by Google Developers Console)
// - Consumer Secret: (Get by Google Developers Console)

function main(){
  //// == Config Retrieving / 工程コンフィグの参照 ==
  const oauth2 = configs.getObject("conf_OAuth2");
  const spreadsheetId = retrieveStringData( "conf_DataIdW", "Target Spreadsheet ID" );
  const sheetName = retrieveStringData( "conf_DataIdX", "Target Sheet Title" );
  const rowNumDef = configs.getObject( "conf_RowNum" );

  const columns = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"];
  const dataArray = i => configs.get( `conf_DataId${i}` ) );

  //// == Calculating / 演算 ==
  const row = buildRowObj(dataArray);
  const sheetId = getSheetId(oauth2, spreadsheetId, sheetName); // Access to the API 1st(Get GID)
  appendRow(oauth2, spreadsheetId, sheetId, row); // Access to the API 2nd(POST)
  if(rowNumDef === null) return;

  // only when rowNumDef is not null
  const rowNum = getLastRowNum(oauth2, spreadsheetId, sheetName); // Access to the API 3rd(GET)

  //// == ワークフローデータへの代入 / Data Updating ==
  engine.setData(rowNumDef, rowNum);

 * 文字列データを config から読み出す。空であればエラー。
 * @param  {String} confName config 名
 * @param  {String} label エラーメッセージ用のラベル
 * @return {String} string 文字列データ
function retrieveStringData( confName, label ){
  let string = configs.get( confName );
  const dataDef = configs.getObject( confName );
  if (dataDef !== null) {
    string = engine.findData(dataDef);
  if (string === null || string === "") {
    throw `${label} is empty.`;
  return string;

 * 文字列データを所定の形式のセルオブジェクトに変換する。
 * @param  {String} data 文字列データ
 * @return {Object} cellObj 文字列データが格納されたセルオブジェクト
function buildCellObj( data ){
  const cellObj = {};
  cellObj.userEnteredValue = {};
  if( data === "" || data === null){
    cellObj.userEnteredValue.stringValue = "";
    return cellObj;
  }else{ // for "STRING"
    if(data.length > 50000){
      throw "Can't set text over 50,000 characters.";
    cellObj.userEnteredValue.stringValue = data;
    return cellObj;

 * 文字列データを所定の形式の行オブジェクトに変換する。
 * @param  {Array<String>} dataArray 文字列データの配列
 * @return {Object} rowObj 文字列データが格納された行オブジェクト
function buildRowObj( dataArray ){
  const rowObj = {};
  rowObj.values = data => buildCellObj( data ) );

  // 後ろから空白の要素数を数える
  let count = 0;
  for(let i = rowObj.values.length; i > 0; i--) {
    if(rowObj.values[i-1].userEnteredValue.stringValue === ""){
    }else{ // 空白でなければ、ループから抜ける

  // 空白部分を削除
  if(count > 0){
    rowObj.values = rowObj.values.slice(0, -count);

  // すべてが空白ならエラー
  if(rowObj.values.length === 0){
    throw "No Data to add is set.";

  return rowObj;

 * GET リクエストを送信し、シート ID (GID) を取得する。
 * @param {AuthSettingWrapper} oauth  OAuth2 認証設定
 * @param {String} spreadsheetId スプレッドシート ID
 * @param {String} sheetName シート名
 * @return {Number} sheetId シート ID (GID)
function getSheetId(oauth2, spreadsheetId, sheetName){
  const uri = `${encodeURIComponent(spreadsheetId)}?includeGridData=false`;
  const response = httpClient.begin()
  const status = response.getStatusCode();
  const responseStr = response.getResponseAsString();
  if (status !== 200) {
    throw `Failed to get sheet information. status: ${status}`;
  const jsonObj = JSON.parse(responseStr);
  engine.log(`SPREADSHEET (TITLE: ${}) has ${jsonObj.sheets.length} sheets`);
  for (let i = 0; i < jsonObj.sheets.length; i++) {
    if (jsonObj.sheets[i].properties.title === sheetName) {
      const sheetId = parseInt(jsonObj.sheets[i].properties.sheetId, 10);
      engine.log(`SHEET TITLE: ${sheetName} exists (id: ${sheetId})`);
      return sheetId;
  // error (not exist)
  throw `Sheet ${sheetName} does not exist`;

 * 行追加のリクエストボディを生成する。
 * @param  {Number} sheetId シート ID (GID)
 * @return {Object} row 行オブジェクト
function buildRequestObj(sheetId, row){
  const requestObj = {};
  requestObj.requests = [];
  requestObj.requests[0] = {};
  requestObj.requests[0].appendCells = {};
  requestObj.requests[0].appendCells.sheetId = sheetId;
  requestObj.requests[0].appendCells.fields = "*";
  requestObj.requests[0].appendCells.rows = [];
  requestObj.requests[0].appendCells.rows[0] = row;
  return requestObj;

 * 行追加の POST リクエストを送信する。
 * @param {AuthSettingWrapper} oauth  OAuth2 認証設定
 * @param {String} spreadsheetId スプレッドシート ID
 * @param {Number} sheetId シート ID (GID)
 * @param {Object} row 行オブジェクト
function appendRow(oauth2, spreadsheetId, sheetId, row){
  const apiUri = `${encodeURIComponent(spreadsheetId)}:batchUpdate`;
  const requestObj = buildRequestObj(sheetId, row);
  const response = httpClient.begin()
    .authSetting( oauth2 )
    .body( JSON.stringify( requestObj ), "application/json" )
    .post( apiUri ); // HttpResponseWrapper
  const httpStatus = response.getStatusCode();
  if( httpStatus !== 200 ){
    throw `Failed to append data. status: ${httpStatus}`;

 * GET リクエストを送信し、データが入力されている最終行の行番号を返す。
 * @param {AuthSettingWrapper} oauth  OAuth2 認証設定
 * @param {String} spreadsheetId スプレッドシート ID
 * @param {String} sheetName シート名
 * @return {String} データが入力されている最終行の行番号
function getLastRowNum(oauth2, spreadsheetId, sheetName){
  const range = `'${sheetName}'`; // シート名がセル指定や名前付き範囲として誤って解釈されないよう、シングルクォートで囲む
  const apiUri = `${encodeURIComponent(spreadsheetId)}/values/${encodeURIComponent(range)}`;
  const response = httpClient.begin()
    .authSetting( oauth2 )
    .queryParam( "majorDimension", "ROWS" )
    .get( apiUri ); // HttpResponseWrapper
  const httpStatus = response.getStatusCode();
  const responseStr = response.getResponseAsString();
  if( httpStatus !== 200 ){
    throw `Failed to get rows in the sheet. status: ${httpStatus}`;
  const jsonObj = JSON.parse(responseStr);
  return jsonObj.values.length.toString();

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