Email a Excel-CSV (Table) SJIS


You can use the following Modeling elements for converting the values in Table-type Data Item to an Excel compatible CSV and sending an e-mail with its attached file.

Email a Excel-CSV (Table) SJIS
Converting the values in a Table type data item to an Excel CSV file (TSV), and sends it as email attachment.
2016 © Questetra, Inc. (MIT License)
  • A: Select TABLE DATA *
  • B: Set THROW COL IDs (e.g. “0,1,5,3,6”) *
  • C: Select STRING DATA for To Address *
  • D: Select STRING DATA for To Name *
  • E: Select STRING DATA for Email Subject *
  • F: Set From Address (e.g. “”) *
  • G: Set From Name (e.g. “Accounting News”) *
  • H: Set ReplyTo Address (e.g. “”) *
  • I: Set ReplyTo Name (e.g. “Accounting News admin”) *
  • J: Select STRING DATA for Email Body *
  • K: Select STRING DATA for Attachment File Name *
//// == Config Retrieving ==
var dataIdA = configs.get( "conf_DataIdA" ); // (returns Number)
var colIds = configs.get( "conf_ColIds" ) + "";
var dataIdC = configs.get( "conf_DataIdC" ); // (returns Number)
var dataIdD = configs.get( "conf_DataIdD" ); // (returns Number)
var dataIdE = configs.get( "conf_DataIdE" ); // (returns Number)
var fromAddress = configs.get( "conf_FromAddress" );
var fromName = configs.get( "conf_FromName" );
var replyToAddress = configs.get( "conf_ReplyToAddress" );
var replyToName = configs.get( "conf_ReplyToName" );
var dataIdJ = configs.get( "conf_DataIdJ" ); // (returns Number)
var dataIdK = configs.get( "conf_DataIdK" ); // (returns Number)

//// == Data Retrieving ==
var myTable = data.get( dataIdA );
// myTable: com.questetra.bpms.core.model.formdata.ListArray
var toAddress = data.get( dataIdC ) + "";
var toName = data.get( dataIdD ) + "";
var subject = data.get( dataIdE ) + "";
var myBody = data.get( dataIdJ ) + "";
var myFileName = data.get( dataIdK ) + "";

//// == Calculating ==
if( myTable !== null){
  var colIdArray = colIds.split(",");
  var numOfCols = colIdArray.length;
  var numOfRows = myTable.size() - 0; // 行(Tableの高さ)

  var myTsv = "";
  for( var i = 0; i < numOfRows; i++ ){
    for( var j = 0; j < numOfCols; j++ ){
      if( j != numOfCols - 1 ){
        myTsv += myTable.get(i, parseInt( colIdArray[j] ) ) + "\t";
        myTsv += myTable.get(i, parseInt( colIdArray[j] ) ) + "\n";

  myTsv = myTsv.replace( /,/g, "" );
  myTsv = myTsv.replace( /\t/g, "," );

    .addTo( toAddress, toName )
    .setFrom( fromAddress, fromName )
    .setReplyTo( replyToAddress, replyToName )
    .setSubject( subject )
    .setBody( myBody )
    .addAttachment( myFileName, 'text/comma-separated-values; charset=Shift_JIS', myTsv)


  • Email-SendExcelCsvSjis.xml
    • Since Rhino (deprecated) is specified as the script engine, a setting error will occur even if you install this in a workflow App
    • To use this Add-on, you need to change the script engine and modify the script accordingly
    • A modified version is in preparation



  • “0,1,5,3,6” means changing the column order into “ID:0, ID:1, ID:5,ID:3, ID:6” before generating the CSV.
  • The SJIS version consists of comma-separated-values. Although the availability of smartphone display and data import increases, comma information misses.

1 thought on “Email a Excel-CSV (Table) SJIS”

  1. Pingback: Help: Table-Type – Questetra Support

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